Hello, I am terra.

I was born and given the name that literally means “EARTH” in latin. I loved this nickname my parents gave me for my lifetime. And then the true resonance of the meaning came forward….

I am of the earth….as are YOU . A huge blessing of my lifetime has been having lovely, brilliant and generous mentors to guide me in becoming an educator of the flora of this earth and the practices and modalities of our ancestors and today.

The mystical world of plant medicine is an example where science and spirit emerge..and show us ourselves. Our deeper selves, our whole selves, our true nature.

Please join my community as I bring my in-person education to an online platform.

I am honored to be on the journey of wholeness and higher consciousness with you!


My Approach

It all begins with you! Maybe you have had some health challenges and looking through a more natural lens to approach it is calling you. Maybe you have been learning about essential oils and now are wanting in depth understanding of the French Medical Aromatherapy model. Maybe you are looking to broaden your understanding of how the Endocannabanoid system works and how your health can be made better by addressing it. Or maybe you are a Natural Practitioner, Health Food Store owner or employee and would like to deepen your knowledge and ability to help others in your practice or store.

Or…maybe you would just love to CONNECT, COMMUNE AND HEAL.

I am here to encourage you and share benevolent plant medicine and LOVE!


Dream it, know it, be it

Let’s connect and commune and heal the deepest parts of ourselves.

Everything you need is within you. Plant medicine is here to assist you and raise our consciousness!